A New Members Monday and More

New members Sands and Judith Harne; Ryan Kingston

Dear Caldwell,

Yesterday we welcomed three new members – Judith and Sands Harne and Ryan Kingston. We give thanks for their intentional walk with the Caldwell family leading up to their decision and for the many gifts and talents they will bring to this part of the body of Christ.

Please note the church office is closed this week. In an emergency, I can be reached at 336-352-5556.

Jimmy Todd was feeling much better this morning. He ate a hearty breakfast and even squeezed in a quick Buick story. He is likely to remain in the hospital for at least a day or two more. We pray for his strength and his and his family’s reassurance that God’s arms are wrapped around them all.

Nominations for the Music Director Search committee close tomorrow night. The make-up of the committee will be: two elders; two choir members and three members of the congregation at large. Nominations can be made to Worship Committee Chair Richard Campbell at stonehengemecamp@aol.com or (704) 258-6618 or to me at pastor@caldwellpresby.org.

Our Mission Trip team arrived safely in Atlanta but found that their lodging at the Open Door has no air conditioning. Given Atlanta’s heat and humidity, please pray for their health and safety.

Please also continue praying for the PCUSA General Assembly, meeting this week in Pittsburgh. Delegate (and our Intern) Liz Wager writes to say that it’s both exhilierating and exhausting to be part of the events. Committees will meet for the next two days and then the Assembly will meet in plenary to cast votes on a range of policies and issues. You can read about our newly elected Moderator here http://www.pcusa.org/news/2012/6/30/neal-presa-elected-moderator-fourth-ballot/ and follow the conference at http://oga.pcusa.org/section/ga/ga220/ and www.pres-outlook.com/

Stay cool this week and may God bless and guide our nation as it celebrates its birthday.

In Christ,
